Oberon Public School

Inspire, Create, Achieve

Telephone02 6336 0093



Lunch orders can be ordered via our online app Spriggy or alternatively write your order on a paper bag.


Our School Canteen is run by the P&C and is focused on encouraging the development of good eating habits for our students, consistent with the Australian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents.

The P&C employ a Canteen Manager who co-ordinates and organises the day-to-day running of the canteen however, we also rely on volunteers to help with food preparation, serving and other duties.  For more information on volunteering, suggestions and feedback or any other canteen questions please contact Kayla Booth or the P&C on the details below!

Canteen tips:

  • The School Canteen operates four days a week during break 1 and break 2. 
  • Children must order their lunch if they want a lunch meal (this includes all hot food, meal deals and sandwiches and wraps on our menu). 
  • Order via our online app Spriggy or althernatively write your order on a paper bag.
  • Place your lunch orders in the baskets provided in classrooms.

    Contact Us:

    School- 6336 0093 and ask to be put through to the Canteen Manager, Kayla Booth (after 10:30am)

    Drop in to the canteen from 10:30am daily (please sign in at the front office).

    Email: oberonpublicpandc@gmail.com