The purpose of this policy is to outline procedures for parents and students to follow in the event of snowfalls which cause roads to close. This policy is a guide and cannot cover all situations that may arise. Decisions will need to be made on the day based on the best information available at the time and in the interests of the welfare of students and staff.
Please ensure your contact details including email addresses are up to date at the office.
Overnight Snow
In the event of overnight snow, please do not send your child/ children to school until it is confirmed that the school is operational – operating as normal. If there are road closures throughout the region, the Principal may make the decision the school is non-operational due to insufficient staff. If this occurs there will be no staff at school and the school will temporarily cease operations due to the adverse weather conditions
If there are road closures throughout the region, the school may be operational but with limited staff / supervision.
If there are road closures throughout the region, Oberon Bus Service will not run any buses on that day.
The school will post announcements on local radio stations, 2BS and B-Rock and also on our Facebook page, advising you if the school is operating with limited supervision or non-operational.
Day Time Snow – School Procedures for Snow
If snow falls during the day and roads begin to close, procedures need to be in place for students and staff. In such situations, pre-organised procedures will eliminate confusion and ensure the safety of staff and students.
When heavy snow begins to fall throughout the shire and Oberon Council have made the decision that road closures are likely, they will contact Oberon Bus Service. Oberon Bus Service then contact the local schools informing them that buses will be going home early. The Oberon Council takes advice from the Oberon Police on road conditions.
This DOES NOT necessarily mean ALL buses in all directions, in some instances it may only be certain buses travelling in a particular direction
Parents of children who normally catch the bus, who wish their child/children to remain at school must advise us in writing
When this decision is made Oberon Bus Service contacts the local schools informing them that the buses will be going home early
Students who normally catch buses will be assembled ready for the buses.
Students who LIVE IN TOWN BUT NORMALLY CATCH A BUS will also go home early on their bus (unless parents have advised us in writing) as there will be no other bus run on that day.
An announcement regarding the early bus run will be made on the school Facebook page and via email.
The school will also attempt to contact parents where children are unsure if anyone is home and if they live a long distance from the bus stop. (It is impossible to telephone every family as the time scale for this operation is short. The school also finds that many parents ring the school and therefore telephone lines are continually engaged and this again limits the number of families we can possibly contact).
Students who do not catch buses will remain at school
THE SCHOOL WILL REMAIN OPEN and therefore parents of bus travellers who require their child to stay at school can make that choice. In this case parents will be able to collect their child from school. A staff member will remain on duty until all children are safely collected.
Parents are asked to discuss the arrangements they require with their children so that students know what is expected of them.